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Curve Magazine Covers Queerly Beloved

Curve magazine (where, incidentally, Diane was editor when Jacob first came out as trans and decided to transition) has a two-page piece on Queerly Beloved in the July/ August edition.

The article calls Queerly Beloved, "the comprehensive frosting on their multi-tiered, rainbow–colored cake and is a dizzying whirlwind that travels across a vast landscape of shared experiences and emotions as it details Jacob's transition and how both he and Diane have stayed together throughout it all."

In the piece. Diane talks about why writing Queerly Beloved was so important to us; how our story has been a fight for the right to be a couple, and how my transition HAS altered her identity and orientation.

The Curve piece concludes with Diane boasting, "I have a husband who does not care one iota if I identify as lesbian or bisexual; he's comfortable enough with himself and our relationship to know that he's the main attraction in my life."

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