-Queerly Beloved Authors-
Diane & Jacob

Diane and Jacob Anderson-Minshall are co-conspirators in life and love. They co-author the Blind Eye mystery series (Blind Curves, Blind Leap, and the Lambda Literary Award finalist Blind Faith) and the memoir, Queerly Beloved, about their 23-year-relationship, which survived Jacob’s gender transition.
Their story has been the subject of numerous articles (including in The New York Times) and radio shows (like NPR’s Story Corp). Diane is also the editor at large of The Advocate magazine; editor in chief of HIV Plus magazine; reality TV expert for About.com; and contributing editor of SheWired, OutTraveler, and Gay.net. She penned the erotic-thriller, Punishment With Kisses, and her writing has appeared in dozens of media outlets. She was the co-founder of Girlfiriends and Alice magazines and she was the long-time editor in chief of Curve magazine.
Jacob has written for numerous LGBT and feminist publications and, for four years, he penned the nationally-syndicated weekly column, TransNation. He later produced and co-hosted the radio show, Gender Blender and his work is included in anthologies like Men Speak Out: Views on Gender, Sex, and Power (now in its 2nd edition) and the award-winning Portland Queer. He previously served on the board of directors of Lambda Literary Foundation. He’s currently at work on his first graphic novel. The couple have also collaborated before: founding the lesbian magazine Girlfriends and Portland, Oregon’s LGBT literary series, QLiterati and raising foster kids for several years. They are now fast at work on their one-acre orchard in Southern California’s desert region.